Combustion Analysis
HRT Labortechnik GmbH offers an extensive product portfolio of spare parts and consumables for C/S, O/N/H and TGA combustion analyzers as well as hollow-cathode lamps and graphite tubes for AA.
Please note that element concentrations of the standards listed in the overviews may vary in between lots. Thus, the matrices may not state the current values. Moreover, the standards listed in the following catalogues may have been sold out in the meantime. Please let us know about your needs. We verify the currently available lot and are happy to look for alternative standards in case the required lot might have been sold out.
Graphite crucibles and graphite parts
Graphittiegel_und_-teile.pdf143 KB
Download PDF Graphittiegel und -teile
Hollow-cathode lamps, graphite parts AAS
Hohlkathodenlampen_Graphitteile_AAS.pdf327 KB
Download PDF Hohlkathodenlampen, Graphitteile AAS
Ceramics, glassware, and quartz products
Keramiktiegel__Quarzglas.pdf327 KB
Download PDF Keramiktiegel, Quarzglas
Brushes, O rings, parts
Buersten__O-Ringe__Elektr._Zubehoer.pdf163 KB
Download PDF Buersten, O-Ringe, Elektr. Zubehoer